Programmatically determine when an outgoing call starts to answer a call (calls another person)

I want to know how to detect in android when an outgoing call is acceptable (but not yet accepted) by another person and you receive a callback tone.

I tried PhoneStateListener

using the method onCallStateChanged(int state, String callingNumber)

, but the state is only returned to me 2

(starts) and 0

(ends), not when the call is acceptable by the other person (there is a time between you the call starts and the other phone takes the call and starts ringing)

Is there already an android method to know it or what to do?


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1 answer

As per your question my answer is No

There is no way (unfortunately because I need it) to determine the start time of an outgoing call.

Cannot be detected by normal non-system app - no Android API. I couldn't find a way, I found a solution for a very long time: --(



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