Error thrown when $ watch object with circular references

When $ looks at an object with circular references eg. xy = y; yx = x;

Error: Recursion Too Much. See code below.

How do I customize the behavior of $ watch? or create a custom equals () function for the object?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div ng-app="" ng-controller="testController">
        {{complex .v}},{{complex.y.v}}

    function testController($scope) {

        var x = { v: 5, y: null };
        var y = { v: 6, x: x };

        x.y = y;    // <---------------- circlular ref

        $scope.$watch('complex', function(newVal){

        }, true);

        $scope.complex = x;

<script src=""></script>




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1 answer

You can specify a custom function in your watch. For example.

$scope.$watch(function() {
   //custom equality handler, return a value that when changed will fire the handler
}, function(newVal) {
   console.log('complex changed');




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