Include proguard config file in pom.xml

I am trying to obfuscate Java class files. I've used ant before, so I managed to confuse them during the build process by including the following code in 'build.xml'.

    <target name="-post-jfx-jar">
    <!-- obfuscate and optimize by ProGuard -->
    <taskdef resource="proguard/ant/" classpath="lib/proguard.jar" />
    <proguard configuration="">
        tofile="${dist.jar}" verbose="true" overwrite="true" />


'' is the proguard configuration file. Now I am trying to do the same with maven. I am learning maven so I have no idea how to do the same in "pom.xml". Thank you and sorry for the bad english.


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2 answers





The project I was using no longer exists here. It was just a temporary test project. We decided not to use Proguard after all.

However, I used proguard-maven-plugin and created my POM according to its Usage section in conjunction with ProGuard .



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