How to remotely connect to MySQL on Windows Server 2012 R2

I installed MySQL on Windows Server 2012 R2 using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer.

I have a problem with how to remotely connect to it? I can run the MySQL command line on the server and see that it is running on port 3306, uses root as username, correct password and I can see the hostname (server name).

I have enabled an inbound rule in Windows Firewall for port 3306, but is there anything else I need to do? I am trying to connect using MySQL Workbench on my PC, but not very far.

Thank you Stephen.


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1 answer

Most likely you need to fix yours my.ini

and either specify a variable bind-address

that is set to by default

or set it to the value of your server's IP address.

For locations, please refer to: MySQL my.ini location



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