Smaller mixin name is graded by color / color

I have fewer files to define a set of colors / colors. Each class name contains the name of the corresponding color, such as .colourOrange{..}

or .colourBorderOrange{..}

or navLeftButtOrange{..}


To make it simple, I have a mixin that uses the parameter name: color, and uses that to denote classes in this way:

.completeColour(@colourName, @col) {



The problem is that class names are color-coded appropriately . So instead of getting, .leftNavButtOrange{}

I get .leftNavButt#ffa500{}

in the resulting CSS

Is there a way to stop this with a compiler argument or something. Basically, I don't want the parameter to be evaluated, read, but not evaluated. Can I do this with a compiler argument or do I need to change the names so they don't match the color like myAppOrange or something.


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1 answer

This is a deprecated Less feature. Currently, one of the below listed solutions can be used to overcome this color name to hexadecimal conversion.






Both options explicitly tell the compiler that the passed value is a string, not a color, and therefore less the compiler will not convert it to the appropriate hexadecimal code.


Update: As of version 2.0.0, this color name to hexadecimal conversion will not occur unless the color is mentioned explicitly as a name and has no other color-based operations. Version 2.0.0 is currently in beta mode.

( Official Update: Upgrade Guide V2 | Original Source: More consistent named color variables ).



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