Changing favicon on Jekyll blog hosted on Github pages?

I used the jekyll template. Left by holman which had the icon in the files but now I cannot change it in my browser. I replaced the icon with mine, but the change doesn't happen? I also switched to a brand new template, but is it still there? My site is


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1 answer

Like Nitzan Baleli (who commented on the question), I can also see what looks like a cartoon version of Iron Man under
(the same image that appears in the upper left corner of your site).

If you see the old icon instead, it's probably in your local browser cache.
Try deleting the cache, or reloading the page ignoring the cached content ( Ctrl+ F5in most browsers), or loading the page in another browser where you've never loaded it before, to ensure that the browser loads the current content from your site instead of the old version from the cache.



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