How can I get all the children for the parent container?

How can I get all the children for the parent container? I want to get them in an array.

<div class="parent">
    <div class="child1">
        <span class="child2">
            <div class="child3">
                <div class="child4">
                    <span class="child5"></span>
                <div class="child6">
                    <div class="class7"></div>

        <div class="child8"></div>
        <span class="child9">
            <div class="child10"></div>


I think of recursion as one option. In the first point, I know the element parent



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3 answers

If you have in mind children who have copies of the elements childNodes

(which includes
in itself is not a child-element , as text nodes) and (in most engines) children

(who only have children).
(You clarified that you mean descendants.)

If you mean descendants, you can use querySelectorAll


var descendants = theElement.querySelectorAll("*");


All modern browsers and IE8 have querySelectorAll


This gives you NodeList

one that looks like an array. If you want a real JavaScript array, you can use Array#slice

to get it like this:

var descendants ="*"));


Or you can use Array.from

(added in ES2015 but easily populated):

var descendants = Array.from(theElement.querySelectorAll("*"));


Now that most frameworks have made it NodeList

iterative (and you can trivially fill it if they don't ), you can also use spread notation in ES2015 +:

var descendants = [...theElement.querySelectorAll("*")];



var descendants =
descendants.forEach(function(descendant) {
function display(msg) {
  var p = document.createElement('p');
  p.innerHTML = String(msg);

<div class="parent">
    <div class="child1">
        <span class="child2">
            <div class="child3">
                <div class="child4">
                    <span class="child5"></span>
                <div class="child6">
                    <div class="class7"></div>

        <div class="child8"></div>
        <span class="child9">
            <div class="child10"></div>

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Use theElement.getElementsByTagName("*")

, not theElement.querySelectorAll("*")

- because it's faster. getElementsByTagName is also better supported in older browsers.

This returns an HTMLCollection, which is similar to Array. You indicated that you want it as an array. To convert it to a real array, follow these steps:"*"))

If you need even better browser support, you can use jQuery 1.12.4 or picoQuery , which is a reimplementation of jQuery where you can choose which methods you want in the online builder. In this case, you don't need the methods as the allocation is part of the core and the build is only 1kb gzipped. picoQuery is written for modern browsers, but falls back to jQuery 1.12.4 for older browsers.





First we find the element (you can do this however you want), then select all descendants using querySelectorAll()




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