Haskell template error while trying out simple examples of singlotons

With both Singletons 1.0 and github master (by e8a7d6031c) against ghc 7.8.3 I am getting the following error showing some simple examples of singletons both from Richard Eisenberg's presentation and from the internet from reasonably recent blog posts and projects github (one of them is shown below):

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.TH

main :: IO ()
main = return ()

$(singletons [d|
  data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
  plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
  plus Zero n     = n
  plus (Succ m) n = Succ (plus m n)


all attempts lead to the same errors:

The exact Name ‘t_a6fM’ is not in scope
  Probable cause: you used a unique Template Haskell name (NameU), 
  perhaps via newName, but did not bind it
  If that it, then -ddump-splices might be useful

The exact Name ‘t_a6fN’ is not in scope
  Probable cause: you used a unique Template Haskell name (NameU), 
  perhaps via newName, but did not bind it
  If that it, then -ddump-splices might be useful


I'm new to Template Haskell, so this could be a painfully obvious mistake, but can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or point me in the right direction?

ddump splices output from ghc: http://lpaste.net/2641476385360576512


source to share

1 answer

From the output, -ddump-splices

you can see that those names that are not in scope are limited forall

and then used in the body of the function. This is exactly what the extension has ScopedTypeVariables


eg. this is how it is used t_a4rL


sPlus ::
  forall (t_a4rL :: Nat_a4rq) (t_a4rM :: Nat_a4rq).
  Sing t_a4rL
  -> Sing t_a4rM -> Sing (Apply (Apply PlusSym0 t_a4rL) t_a4rM)
sPlus SZero sN
  = let
      lambda_a4rN ::
        forall n_a4rI. ((ghc-prim:GHC.Types.~) t_a4rL ZeroSym0,
                        (ghc-prim:GHC.Types.~) t_a4rM n_a4rI) =>


After skipping unnecessary parts:

sPlus :: forall (t_a4rL :: Nat_a4rq) ... . ->
sPlus SZero sN
  = let lambda_a4rN :: t_a4rL ~ ZeroSym0 ...


Adding an extension ScopedTypeVariables

expands the scope t_a4rL

to the body of the function sPlus




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