BlurBehind - Couldn't find in Android Studio dependencies

I am trying to use BlurBehind Lib, but I am getting an error.

Error:Failed to find: com.faradaj:blur-behind:[LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION]


I added

dependencies {
    compile 'com.faradaj:blur-behind:[LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION]'


I am still adapting to the new IDE and I appreciate any help!


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2 answers

Several things are here.

First of all, this library is not distributed from JCenter or even Maven Central. This means you need to build it from source. Feel free to +1 this question . Luckily it's pretty straightforward, just follow the instructions on github .

Once you've done that, you need to specify the version instead [LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION]

. At the moment it is 1.0.3 .



This is how you add this library correctly:

Step one

repositories {
maven {
    url ""


Step two

dependencies {
 compile 'com.github.faradaj:BlurBehind:1.0.3'




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