Php PDO query for data from a sum of a column of a derived table
Here is the SQL query I am trying to use in some PDO php code:
SELECT SUM(credit_hours) AS hours FROM(SELECT Course_List.credit_hours FROM Program_Courses, Course_List
WHERE program_id= :pid and concentration_id= :conid
and fulfills_major=1 and Program_Courses.course_id = Course_List.course_id ) AS major_credits
When I run this query against my database in SQL Workbench, I get a view with one column named "hour" and one row with a value of 76 in it.
Here is the php code I'm using to try and get this same data stored in the $ major_hours variable:
$result = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM students WHERE username = :un");
$data = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //returns an associated array where the indices are the column names
$program = $data['program_id'];
$concentration = $data['concentration_id'];
//get the total number of credit hours in the student major/concentration
$result = $conn->prepare("SELECT SUM(credit_hours) AS hours FROM(
SELECT Course_List.credit_hours FROM Program_Courses, Course_List
WHERE program_id= :pid and concentration_id= :conid
and fulfills_major=1 and Program_Courses.course_id = Course_List.course_id
) AS major_credits");
$major_hours = $result->fetchColumn();
I know that the $ user, $ program, and $ concentration variables have legal values because when I iterate over them on the page, I get the correct result. However, repeating $ major_hours does nothing. What am I doing wrong?
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Use fetch as you can guess that it will fetch the next row from the result set The fetch_style parameter determines how the PDO
row is returned, which FETCH_ASSOC
is fine in your case , since it returns an array indexed by column name as returned in your result set.
$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);//row is an associative array
$major_hours = $row['hours']; //access the column name hour
echo $majors_hours; //will print the hour value from db
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Use this
$major_hours = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo $majors_hours['hours'];
There are two ways to get data back from the database. fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
and fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
. Fetch only returns 1 row from the database .. but fetchAll will return the entire row from the database query you are doing.
means it will return data using an array.
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