Using the startup screen (.xib) stops scaling

I understand that iOS 8 apps need to have the storyboard file as a launch screen, not an image. I've created a really simple launcher file that has any width and any height, and has a single plain text shortcut that reads "placeholder" and sets it as the launcher. However, when I try to run the app on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus simulators, the black bars around the background and the main menu button are out of place. The problem doesn't seem to be present in the 5s or iPad. Most of my assets are not optimized for 6 and 6 Plus though, as they were created before they came out. Why is this happening? Or something else? Thanks in advance.

Edit: Apparently on launching the launch screen, the app automatically scales up. Is there a way to have a launcher screen and keep the app scaling? Or do I need to create new assets?


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2 answers

This is a bit of an old question and I ended up using a startup image instead of a startup screen, but you can probably solve this using restrictions. If you set top, bottom, leading, and / or trailing constraints on an element in the view, it will scale to fit those constraints (if possible). For text, it has an autoplay property that you can change to the minimum font scale (instead of a fixed font size), although I'm not sure how you can scale the text up. Autorun documentation is here .



To create a startup screen from an xib file, first create a new file from the User Interface section and select the Start Screen option

create launch screen file

Using autorun, create the first view of your application so that it scales to fit all the resolutions your application supports.

Using the new launcher screen

In the app settings, select the new launcher screen from the app options.

select Launch Screen File

This is an example using the xib file. This can also be done using a storyboard as shown in the Ole Begemann Blog



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