About updating your node-webkit app

I want to install automatic updates for my apps before I release. I'm a beginner programmer, so when I looked into node-webkit-updater I was pretty confused. It seems to me that this is not well documented. Can someone explain the general update mechanism that it helps to implement?

As an alternative to node-webkit-updater, I was thinking about building my own update system. I love the way Apple handles update updates and I was thinking about replicating it. This is due to hosting the JSON / XML manifest file on Amazon S3 along with the latest versions of the application for all platforms. The application checks the file on startup and replaces the new version.

Is the latter plausible? Am I better off going with node-webkit-updater? If so, can someone explain this to me please? My app is a Mac + Windows project.


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2 answers

Here's what we did:

  • The first script of the page validates a custom "manifest" (.txt file) on the server that contains some arbitrary text, for example. version number.
  • If this value differs from the local version of the manifest, download the zip file from the server. (The zip contains the latest nwjs website. You may have a separate one for each platform).
  • Unzip to a local directory (we are using 7za command line usage).
  • Install window.location.href to your local directory (index.html).


I know this is an old question, but here is the answer :)




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