Convert dynamic type to list

I am using Facebook SDK to get the data. I want to use parallel.foreach

but cannot use it - instead an error occurs:

It is not possible to use a lambda expression as an argument for a dynamically dispatched operation without first injecting it into the delegate or expression tree class

So is it possible to transform the data received into a list?

dynamic friends = app.Get("me/friends");   
Parallel.ForEach(, friendsData =>
        Interlocked.Increment(ref infoCount);
        LoadFriends(friend, infoCount);



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2 answers

If you can't use a lambda expression, have you tried the anonymous method?

dynamic friends = app.Get("me/friends");   
    Parallel.ForEach(, delegate(dynamic friendsData)
           Interlocked.Increment(ref infoCount);
           LoadFriends(friend, infoCount);





I used the following code to convert JsonArray to dictionary id as key and names as value

var friendlist = ( as Facebook.JsonArray).ToDictionary( 
                p => (p as Facebook.JsonObject)["id"].ToString(), 
                p => (p as Facebook.JsonObject)["name"].ToString());

Parallel.ForEach(friendlist, friend
           Interlocked.Increment(ref infoCount);
           LoadFriends(friend, infoCount);




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