Create new directory / asset image installed in Xcode 6

I'm really confused about creating an asset catalog in Xcode6 for use with the new separate abstract storyBoard. I'm trying to create a set of different reverse images for all devices. When creating a new set of images from the Attribute Inspector, I selected Universal for devices with Any Height Any. Now I am getting 3 small windows for dragging images like this:

  • 1x
  • 2x
  • 3x

How to insert (drag and drop) all the following images (same image / different size) into 3 small windows?

  • iphone3.5@2x.png (640 x 960):
  • iphone5.png (640 x 1136):
  • iphone6.png (750 x 1334):
  • iphone6plus.png (2208 x 1242):
  • ipad.png (768 x 1024):
  • ipad.png (1536 x 2048):

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1 answer

Select Target icon > General> Application Icon and Launch Images> Use Asset Catalog next to App Icon Source and Launch Image Sources . press the arrow button.

Now, just drag and drop the launcher images you want to support with the appropriate image size placeholder.



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