Eclipse / Maven / SonarQube: Invalid sonar.libraries

I am trying to upload my project to sonarqube remote server.

The project is a multi-module project.

I am getting an error on the parent project. Sonar Log:

[INFO] cv-parent ......................................... FAILURE [  2.962 s]
[INFO] cv-common ......................................... SUCCESS [  1.236 s]
[INFO] cv-backend ........................................ SUCCESS [  2.464 s]


Now the error is reported in Hibernate:

[ERROR] [15:04:27.096] Invalid value of sonar.libraries for be.vdab:cv-backend
[ERROR] No files nor directories matching '/Users/knaller/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.1.8.FINAL/hibernate-core-4.1.8.FINAL.jar' in directory /Users/knaller/Documents/Java/cv-parent/cv-backend


Does anyone have any idea what this error means or how to fix it?


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2 answers

I have the same problem. Checking the Maven.m2 repository, the file name you are looking for ends with Case Sensitive Final

instead Final

. I deleted the folder (ex:) /Users/knaller/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.1.8.Final

and rebuilt again. The new folder has been 4.1.8.FINAL

loaded by maven and the problem is resolved.



I ended up fixing it.

This problem came up whenever I was doing Maven sonar -> sonar:

But then I tried the sonar command in the project source directory and loaded it into sonar successfully.

Not sure if this is the "dirty way", but it worked for me.




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