Can't find Spring MVC project when creating a new web application project using STS?

I'm new to Spring MVC and trying to learn from an internet tutorial like these good ones from journaldev , springsource and codejava

Everyone says that I am using STS as an IDE and to migrate to New Project - Spring Template Project - Spring MVC Project


Although in my case, using version 3.6.1.RELEASE from STS, I cannot find any Spring MVC project options there.

Do you have the same problem using STS?


I found a solution here for the previous version of STS, although it doesn't work for version 3.6.1.

Lack of snapshot of MVC pattern.

enter image description here


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6 answers

As user @AndrewEisenberg suggested here , looking at the error log gives me below errors

Therefore, after carefully examining the error in the error log Windows - Show View - Other - Error Log

, after the call File - New Project - Spring Project

, I see the cause of this symptom.

It has to do with internet connection that cannot reach



I just solved the problem. This is my way:
- Go to the "New Project -> Spring" project. For first use, only the "Simple Project" folder is shown.
- Select "Customize Templates" (blue link).
- In the Template Projects window, delete "spring-data-gemfire" and "spring-integration" and check the box "Show self-hosted templates ..." (at the bottom), and then click Apply → OK <w> - Just wait for the update process and the "Spring MVC Project" should be shown.



Step: 1-Go to File-> New

Step: 2-Click on the Spring Legacy Project

Step: 3 - See Templates section, scroll down, you will find Spring Mvc Project



First file -> New Project -> Spring -> Spring Legacy Project and finally select what you want. also link to attached images.

enter image description here

enter image description here



try it New Project -> Spring Project -> Spring MVC Project



File-> New -> Spring Legacy Project ----> scroll down to Spring Mvc Project



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