SpringSource Tool Suite is missing Spring MVC project template

This is not a duplicate of Spring Tool Suite missing Spring MVC project template

Using STS 2.9.2 and create com.springsource.sts.wizard_2.9.2.201205071000-RELEASE file in my plugins folder.

I want to use the Spring MVC project pattern but cannot find it either in the toolbar or in the New-> Other-> SpringSource Tool Suite menu.

I don't want to create a new installation, there are many plugins installed. enter image description here


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4 answers

For STS 3.0, the way you access template projects has changed, so it doesn't surprise me that you don't see the template project in your dashboard. However, you should see it in a new dialog box. I'm not sure what might happen. You can look at your error log and find the relevant stack traces (and paste them here).

Or you can install STS 3.1 or newer. The easiest is probably to just go to the git repository where the template project exists, clone it and import it into your workspace as a maven project.

Here's the repo:


The only difference between this and using a true template project is that the template project sets up a few things for you, like the base package and the project name. However, all of this can be changed after import.



In STS v3.3.0, select File> New> Spring Project - when you get there, you will see a list of options under Templates. One of them is the Spring MVC project. Select this and follow the instructions.



As user @AndrewEisenberg suggested here , looking at the error log gives me below errors

Therefore, after carefully examining the error in the error log Windows - Show View - Other - Error Log

, after the call File - New Project - Spring Project

, I see the cause of this symptom.

It has to do with internet connection that https://raw.github.com cannot reach



i was able to see a variant of the Spring MVC Project Pattern here enter image description here



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