Spring project template not showing templates

I downloaded Spring STS 3.6.1 and I tried to create a Spring MVC project but the templates are missing:

enter image description here

As you can see, this requires a download! I pressed Refresh several times and restarted STS, but I still can't get it to display templates.

When I clicked on config templates:

enter image description here

I am working on my Windows 7 home laptop. I can access the Eclipse marketplace and I am not behind a proxy. I tried another laptop also running Windows 7 but in vain.

What's wrong?


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1 answer

As user @AndrewEisenberg suggested here , looking at the error log gives me below errors

Therefore, after carefully examining the error in the error log Windows - Show View - Other - Error Log

, after the call File - New Project - Spring Project

, I see the cause of this symptom.

It has to do with internet connection that https://raw.github.com cannot reach



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