How to implement the Multi Flow template?

The SAPUI5 / OpenUI5 documentation under "Application Notes - Preparation" mentions the Multi Flow Pattern. ( is almost at the bottom)

I need to implement this pattern, but have no idea how.

  • Do I need to replace the "root view" parameter?
  • Or do I need to replace the App in App.view.xml? And how would I do it?
  • Or do I need to navigate to the view using the splitApp control? So, placing a splitApp inside an App control? Can I then configure routes in the router? And how am I going to continue about this?

I am currently following the implementation as shown in Best Practices, so I am using component and router views and xml for my application.

I would appreciate any help or signposts in the right direction. Thank you in advance! (And, yes, I've Google a lot, alas, complex examples are rare and hard to find. Nonetheless.)

Byebye, Cleo


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4 answers

to implement it you need an app and a split container inside it.

I made a simple sample with a full screen page and wizard / detail + buttons to navigate




So after a few days of wading through and pushing in the right direction from @TobiasOetzel I came up with this solution. It is based on tdg example and uses router in component and xml views.


rootView : "my.ui5.multiflow.view.App",


routes : [ 
  pattern : "",
  name : "_index",
  view : "Main",
  targetAggregation: "pages",
  targetControl : "idAppControl",
  pattern : "foo",
  name : "_foo",
  view : "SplitContainer",
  targetAggregation : "pages",
  targetControl : "idAppControl",
  subroutes : [
     pattern : "foo",
     name : "foo_sub1",
     view : "Master",
     targetAggregation : "masterPages",
     targetControl : "idSplitContainerControl",
     subroutes : [
        pattern : "foo",
        name : "foo_sub2",
        view : "Detail",
        targetAggregation : "detailPages",
        pattern : "foo/foo/:all*:",
        name : "foo_sub3",
        view : "Detail2",
        targetAggregation : "detailPages",                                  


App.view looks like this:

   <App id="idAppControl" />


SplitContainer.view looks like this:

I had to give it the height, as otherwise the content would be hidden. The default height is 100%, but doesn't seem to help display / show it. (The same behavior by the way with the tile container in the icon tab bar.) But this is another problem that I will resolve at another time.



So what should I do with these routes: When the application is first called, the App control gets an instance ("idAppControl"). The "Main" view is placed in the "page" aggregation in the application.

When navigating to myApp.html # / foo / three, the following happens:

  • the SplitContainer view is loaded into the page aggregation of the App control. We now have something that looks like a relaxed application.
  • the "Master" view is loaded into the "masterPages" section aggregation from 1.
  • the "Detail" view is loaded into the "detailPages" aggregation of the dividing container from 1.

The view for the route "foo_sub3" can be loaded by navigating with this.getRouter (). navTo ("foo_sub3") or with myApp.html # / foo / foo / or myApp.html # / foo / foo / somethingElse

Http:// was very helpful , although I haven't used any of his suggested changes ...
And SDK samples in openui5-sdk-1.22.10 \ test-resources \ sap \ ui \ core \ samples \ routing

Any corrections and / or suggestions for improvement are welcome.



I was able to adapt the SAPUI5 sample application using the following routed flow: F - F - MD DD - F

(F = FullScreen; M = SplitApp MasterPage; D = SplitApp DetailPage)

Dropbox link

Thanks Cleo



Nice one @TobiasOetzel :-)

I changed the navigation so that it moves back instead of forward, from full screen back to main detail

fullscreen = new sap.m.Page({
  title : "fullscreen",
  content : new sap.m.Button({
    text : "to master detail",
    press : function () {
      app.back() // modified line 




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