RegEx ignores part of a string to extract text

I have the following line:



and I need to write a .NET RegEx that finds 3 matches in this example (but suppose the number of matches is variable:

  • ABC
  • 123
  • 456

How can I write a RegEx so that the expression only matches the first and second @delim and then the third and fourth, etc.?

Below, of course, will be written from the first to the last instance of the @delim line.




source to share

3 answers



Try this .Set flag g

. Just change your regex to add ?

.Grab caotures.See demo.



You can use look and feel like:




uses Positive Lookbehind which will match characters @delim

literally (case sensitive)

while \w+

will match any character in the word from [a-zA-Z0-9_]

. To include or exclude characters, you can replace \w

with [a-zA-Z0-9_]

and include new characters, or remove those that should not be evaluated in your expression.

Online demo

Here is a .NET Online demo:

.NET Online Demo

VB.NET version

Dim sampleInput="@delimabc@delim@delim123@delim@delim456@delim"
Dim results = Regex.Matches(sampleInput,"(?<=@delim)\w+")

For Each item As Group In results
    Console.WriteLine("Line: {0}", item)


C # version

var sampleInput = "@delimabc@delim@delim123@delim@delim456@delim";
var results = Regex.Matches(sampleInput, "(?<=@delim)\\w+");

foreach (Group item in results) {
    Console.WriteLine("Line: {0}", item);


Updated version:





You can use split on this regex:



Demo version of RegEx

Alternatively, replace the given regex pattern with an empty string .



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