Setting tooltips with ruby ​​gems: enter the phrase for PEM transfer

I'm trying to install this gem: (on the main thread).

When I run the installation of the package, I get:

Enter the passphrase for PEM transfer:

(to which I don't have a key, since this is a public repo, so I press Enter)

OpenSSL :: PKey :: RSAError: neither PUB key nor PRIV key: nested error asn1

I tried downloading zip and linking from source and got the same problem.

Update my local environment variables

rvm_bin_path = / Users / Clay / .rvm / bin

TERM_PROGRAM = Apple_Terminal

GEM_HOME = / Users / Clay / .rvm / gems / ruby-2.0.0-p451

TERM = Xterm-256-colored

SHELL = / bin / bash

IRBRC = / Users / Clay / .rvm / rubies / ruby-2.0.0-p451 / .irbrc

Tmpdir = / var / folder / il / 7nzdd2wx2tzbrwr4bm8t25qr0000gn / t /

Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render = / tmp / launch-8mCJ2I / render


OLDPWD = / Users / Clay / Developer

MY_RUBY_HOME = / Users / Clay / .rvm / rubies / ruby-2.0.0-p451

TERM_SESSION_ID = 63791880-F18D-4CD5-932D-109041B81415

USER = Clay

_system_type = Darwin

rvm_path = / Users / Clay / .rvm

SSH_AUTH_SOCK = / tmp / start-8O5pHu / Listeners

__ CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING = 0x1F5: 0: 0

rvm_prefix = / Users / Clay

__ CHECKFIX1436934 = 1

PATH = / Users / Clay / .rvm / gems / ruby-2.0.0-p451 / bin: /Users/Clay/.rvm/gems/ ruby-2.0.0-p451@global / bin: / Users / Clay / .rvm / rubies / ruby-2.0.0-p451 / bin: /Users/Clay/.rvm/bin: / usr / bin: / bin: / USR / SBIN: / SBIN: / usr / local / bin: / opt / X11 / bin: / usr / local / git / bin: / usr / local / mysql / bin: /Users/Clay/Developer/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.4.6/bin: / usr / local / mysql / support -files /: / Applications / Sublime

Pwd = / Users / Clay / Developer / Mongo-ruby-driver

LANG = en_US.UTF-8

_system_arch = x86_64

_system_version = 10.9

rvm_version = 1.24.7 (stable)

HOME = / Users / Clay


RAILS_ENV = development


GEM_PATH = / Users / Clay / .rvm / gems / ruby-2.0.0-p451: /Users/Clay/.rvm/gems/ ruby-2.0.0-p451@global

DISPLAY = / tmp / response-pm5rac / org.macosforge.xquartz: 0

RUBY_VERSION = ruby-2.0.0-p451


_system_name = OSX

_ = / Usr / bin / ocr


source to share

1 answer

I suggest you run it first with the stable version and without using the package. If that works, try branch master and package.

Try this first and let us know if it's successful:

gem install mongo


(If that fails, copy / paste the exact results as an edit in your question.)

Second, try building the current stable version in a new directory:

rm -rf mongo-ruby-driver
git clone
cd mongo-ruby-driver
git checkout 1.11.1
gem build mongo.gemspec


(If that fails, copy / paste the exact results as an edit in your question.)

What do you expect to see:

Warning: No private key present, creating unsigned gem.
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: mongo
Version: 1.11.1
File: mongo-1.11.1.gem


(If you see something different, then copy / paste the exact results as an edit in your question.)

If you are still getting PEM error when trying to create 1.11.1, try editing mongo.gemspec

. Comment out these lines that might trigger the PEM request:

# s.signing_key     = 'gem-private_key.pem'
# s.cert_chain      = ['gem-public_cert.pem']


Then rebuild:

gem build mongo.gemspec


(If the build fails, I suggest looking at your gem environment to see if this is how you expect it. Run gem env

and copy / paste the results in your question. Also, search the various directories gem env

for a file named gem-private_key.pem

. This file might cause your problem, temporarily rename it and try again.)

If the build succeeds, install it as usual:

gem install mongo-1.11.1


If everything works, then you are in good shape.

If you are sure you want the master branch:

git checkout master
gem build mongo.gemspec




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