Static variable causing concurrency issue in mvc

We are developing a web application using mvc4. In many cases, we will get a value from the user in the First Page / View, which we need to store in some variable until the user reaches the final page / view. He / she can go through 4-5 views to get the final look at a glance.

To store the value in MVC. We had 3 ways.

1. Global variable . But if I assign a value in one action method. the value will be reset in another action method. So we gave it up.

2.Session . But we need to store more than 5 values ​​in each session. Therefore, we gave up on this.

3.Static Varibale . It works like a charm. but in a few users it caused a concurrency issue.

Are there any other ways to store values ​​in mvc? please guide me.


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1 answer

Static variables persist for the life of the application domain, which is why you see concurrency issues with multiple users.

See: Static Variables and Their Implications in ASP.Net Websites

There should be no problem storing five values ​​in the session. You can have List<T>

and store this in a session. How:

List<string> someValues = new List<string> {"A","B","C","D", "E",};
HttpContext.Current.Session["userValues"] = someValues;


To get it:

var someValues =  HttpContext.Current.Session["userValues"] as List<string>;
if(someValues != null)
 // found


The only thing you should consider is the size of the data. Sessions are stored at a per-user level , storing too much data can cause a problem, although it depends on your configuration.

You can also see: What are ViewData, ViewBag and TempData? - MVC parameters for passing data between current and subsequent requests



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