How to initialize 2D array with the same values ​​in C ++

We can use the fill_n function to initialize a 1D array with a value.

int table[20];
fill_n(table, 20, 100);


But how can we initialize a 2D array with the same values.

int table[20][20];
fill_n(table, sizeof(table), 100); //this gives error



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3 answers

Using fill_n you can write:

std::fill_n(&table[0][0], sizeof(table) / sizeof(**table), 100);




You can use a pointer to the first element and a pointer to one of the last:

int table[20][20];
int* begin = &table[0][0];
size_t size = sizeof(table) / sizeof(table[0][0]);
fill(begin, begin + size, 100);




Use std::vector


std::vector<std::vector<int>> table(20, std::vector<int>(20, 100));


Everything is done and "filled" in the ad. No more code needed.



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