Boolean field validation in Rails ActiveRecord

I need to check boolean fields for a Rails ActiveRecord object. I used a generic solution to this problem:

validates :boolean_field, :inclusion => { :in => [true, false] }


But while these solutions fix the value validation issue false

, it still allows strings to be stored in boolean_field


my_object.boolean_field = "string" # => true
my_object.boolean_field # => false


Why does this happen if I have indicated inclusion in [true, false]

? And more importantly, how to check valid and false values only ?

PS If it matters to the question, I am using PostgreSQL.


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1 answer

You can check by checking the data type, you can use is_a?

and pass the data type class name as a parameter

pry(main)> a = "aaaaa"
=> "aaaaa"
pry(main)> a.is_a?(Boolean)
=> false


Since it was a string it returned false

, now try boolean

pry(main)> b = true
=> true
pry(main)> b.is_a?(Boolean)
=> true


Add custom validation with this logic

validate :check_boolean_field

def check_boolean_field
  errors.add(...) unless boolean_field.is_a?(Boolean)




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