Enable Doctrine 2 Cache in ZF2 Project

How do I enable cache in a project running Zend Framework 2 and Doctrine 2? and in which cache should doctrine cache or zend cache be enabled?

Here is what I tried but don't see any difference in runtime added in

module \ Application \ Config \ module.config.php

 'doctrine.cache.my_memcache' => function ($sm) {
            $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\MemcacheCache();
            $memcache = new \Memcache();
            $memcache->connect('localhost', 11211);
        return $cache;

    'doctrine.cache.apc' => function ($sm){
            $apc = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache();
            return $apc;

    // Doctrine config
    'doctrine' => array(
        'driver' => array(
            __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver'   => array(
                'class' => 'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver',
                'cache' => 'array',
                'paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/../src/' . __NAMESPACE__ . '/Entity'),
            'orm_default' => array(
                'drivers' => array(
                    __NAMESPACE__ . '\Entity' => __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver'
        'configuration' => array(
            'orm_defaults' => array(
                'metadata_cache'    => 'apc',
                'query_cache'       => 'apc',
                'result_cache'      => 'my_memcache',


any help or idea or explication is appreciated. thank.


source to share

1 answer

To reduce unnecessary headaches, always use the cache array

during development and memcached

, redis

or apc

when your application is running in production.

You should put your factory definitions under the service_manager

> key factories

, not directly in the module config array.

Try the following:

// module.config.php 
return array(
'doctrine' => array(
    'configuration' => array(
        'orm_default' => array(
            'metadata_cache'    => 'mycache',
            'query_cache'       => 'mycache',
            'result_cache'      => 'mycache',
            'hydration_cache'   => 'mycache',

'service_manager' => array(
    'factories' => array(
        'doctrine.cache.mycache' => function ($sm) {
            $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\MemcacheCache();
            $memcache = new \Memcache();
            $memcache->connect('localhost', 11211);
            return $cache;


Also I highly recommend moving factories into separate factory classes, always. This way, you will have a more readable, maintainable, and efficient application in production with a unified configuration cache .

For example:

'service_manager' => array(
    'factories' => array(
        'doctrine.cache.mycache' => 'Your\Memcache\Factory' // implement FactoryInterface


