Calabash-android: `Cucumber :: Ast` no longer exists

I am starting with calabash and I am unable to run the test. The test is very simple, just push one TextView:

Feature: Login feature
    Scenario: Given I am on the Login page 
    touch("TextView id:''")


But I always have the same error:

Function: input function

  Scenario: Given I am on the Login page # features/my_first.feature:3
      touch("TextView id:''")
  `Cucumber::Ast` no longer exists. These classes have moved into the `Cucumber::Core::Ast` namespace, but may not have the same API. (RuntimeError)
  ./features/support/app_installation_hooks.rb:8:in `Before'

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/my_first.feature:3 # Scenario: Given I am on the Login page

1 scenario (1 failed)
0 steps


I am using Ruby 1.9.3 (I tried using Ruby 2.0.0 too).



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2 answers

I ran into this issue a couple of times while trying to set up Calabash and Cucumber. I found the problem was with the version of the Cucumber gem that I was using. Several different sources have pointed out that new Calabash stones do not work with Cucumber beta releases (link: )

To solve this problem, I installed the older cucumber pearl and removed the newer one

gem install cucumber -v 1.3.17
gem uninstall cucumber -v 2.0.0.beta.3


After that, I was able to run my tests without error. Hope this helps someone else too.



If I am not mistaken, you are misunderstanding the structure of Calabash tests. This is how it should look:

In a file features/my_first.feature

(this is the file where you put your user story)

Feature: Login feature
  Scenario: Check login page
    Given I am on the Login page



(this is the file where you define the steps used in the files *.feature


Given /^I am on the Login page$/ do
  touch "TextView id:'option_bag'"


I recommend you read the calabash-android wiki here: and the cucumber book: :)



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