Dynamic Datatable column width based on content length

I want the column width to be dynamic based on the length of the content, I made a function that calculates the length of the content ( call()

), but the problem is that the content returns an empty string:

<p:column sortBy="action" rendered="#{configuration.conf2.action}" width="#{cdrMmscRecBean.call(c.action)}"  >
    <f:facet name="header" > 
    <h:outputText value="Action"  />
    <h:outputText value="#{c.action}" />


c.action returns an empty string.


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1 answer

Very often it is enough to set the style of the data table, for example

<p:dataTable tableStyle="width: auto;">


Then you don't need to calculate the column width in a special method, but the table will adjust the column widths based on the content. At least it works for simple cases.



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