Function integration in R returns an error

I have a function defined as

tail <- function(x) {585.1961*x^-2.592484}


When I tried to get the integral from 5000 to Inf, it returns an error:

> integrate(tail, 5000, Inf)
Error in integrate(tail, 5000, Inf) : the integral is probably divergent


However, the integration from 1000 to Inf and 1000 to 5000 worked fine:

> integrate(tail, 1000, Inf)
0.006134318 with absolute error < 2.5e-05
> integrate(tail, 1000, 5000)
0.005661634 with absolute error < 4.9e-09


Isn't it integrate(tail, 5000, Inf)

just equal integrate(tail, 1000, Inf) - integrate(tail, 1000, 5000)

? Why did this lead to a diverging integral?


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1 answer

Your default ( .Machine$double.eps^0.25

) is too large, so we change it:

> tail <- function(x) {585.1961*x^-2.592484}
> integrate(tail, 5000, Inf,rel.tol =.Machine$double.eps^0.5 )
0.0004727982 with absolute error < 1.5e-09


and this is about the same as:

> integrate(tail, 1000, Inf)$val-integrate(tail, 1000, 5000)$val
[1] 0.0004726847


Of course, you can just set your tolerance .Machine$double.eps

, but this comes at the cost of time:

> library(microbenchmark)
> a<-function(x) for(i in 1:50) integrate(tail, 5000, Inf,rel.tol =.Machine$double.eps^x )
> microbenchmark(a(0.5),a(0.7),a(1))
Unit: milliseconds
   expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
 a(0.5) 10.44027 10.97920 11.12981 11.40529 19.70019   100
 a(0.7) 13.02904 13.69813 13.95942 14.89460 23.02422   100
   a(1) 15.14433 15.96499 16.12595 16.38194 26.27847   100


eg. a time increase of around 50 pct.



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