Non-virtual methods cannot be intercepted

I am new to FakeItEasy and will try to solve the problem.

I have a class

 public class Events
 public List<Events> SaveEvents()
 // Call to repository and return 1(success) or -1(fail)
 //If the repository return 1 then need to make another call to save the action in db
 //Sample Code here
   AuditLogService log = new AuditLogService();


Here's the test code:

    public void EventValidation()

         var Fakeevents = A.Fake<Events>();
         var log = A.Fake<AuditLogService>();
         var _EventsController = new EventsController(Fakeevents);
             () => Fakeevents.SaveEvents().Retunr(1).AssignsOutAndRefParameters(status)
             () => log.CallLog()).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.AtLeast.Once);
 I am getting error like "Non virtual methods can not be intercepted"


I want to check if Calllog method is called after success or not.

Can anyone help me with this.

I have a method and inside the method I run another class and call the class method. I want to check from fakeItEasy if a method has been called.


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1 answer

Unfortunately, your headline says it all. Non-virtual members cannot be tricked, configured, or intercepted, as stated in the documentation under " Which members can be overridden? ".

There is nothing FakeItEasy can do for you unless you make it a virtual member (or promote it to an interface and spoof the interface or something).



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