Symfony2 - Is there a way to implement something like jsf snippets?

I mean, some code that has its own logic associated with a particular branch template and associated logic in an INSIDE controller on another page.

Something like a panel with specific data for the user. Name, state, phone number and some services and this logic included, I want to include it in the pages where I decided. Just reuse.


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1 answer

You can simply render a controller that returns that data from your views, or make a service that fetches the data and pushes it to a branch.

1. Controller example


class UserDataController extends Controller
    public function userDataAction()
        $userData = // fetch user data....

        return $this->render('user_data_fragment_template.html.twig', ['user_data' => $userData]);


Some templates where you want to show this snippet

<div>{{ render(controller('YourBundle:UserDataController:userData')) }}</div>


2. Service example

Data Provider Service

class UserDataProvider
    public function __construct(...)

    public function getUserData()
        $userData = // fetch user data...

        return $userData;



// ...

        user_data_provider: @your_user_data_provider_service_name


Some templates where you want to show this snippet

<div>{% include 'user_data_fragment_template.html.twig' with { userData: user_data_provider.userData } only %}</div>




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