Data-Annotations - deleting EntityValidation based on condition in code

I have a column that is required in my model

[Required(ErrorMessage = "The Name field is required")]
public string Name{ get; set; }


However, this is only required under different conditions.

Therefore, I remove the key ModelState

when performing the correct condition

if (Status_ID != 2 && Status_ID != 3)


Which works, but when EF tries to save the object, I get EntityVaildationError

because I assume I have a Data Annotation

"Required" for a property that can never be cleared programmatically no matterModelState

How else can I achieve what I want?



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1 answer

This is not possible with the existing one RequiredAttribute


However, you can implement your own conditional validation attribute.

Here are some links to get you in the right direction: /04/conditional-validation-in-asp-net-mvc-3.aspx validation-with-mvc-3.aspx

Once you implement your own conditional validation attribute RequiredIf

, you can set the condition like this:

public class ValidationSample
   [RequiredIf("PropertyValidationDependsOn", true)]
   public string PropertyToValidate { get; set; }

   public bool PropertyValidationDependsOn { get; set; }




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