\t' -f2 I have a string split by TAB ...">

How to split a line into a tab in bash

test1="one  two three   four    five"
echo $test1 | cut -d $'\t' -f2


I have a string split by TAB

and I want to get the second word with a command cut


I found the question How to split a string in bash with a tab delimiter . But the solution is not used with cut



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4 answers

This is because you need to quote $test1

when you echo


echo "$test1" | cut -d$'\t' -f2


Otherwise, the format disappears and the tabs are converted to spaces:

$ s="hello      bye     ciao"
$ echo "$s"              <--- quoting
hello   bye ciao
$ echo $s                <--- without quotes
hello bye ciao




You don't need cut

and you can keep the fork:

$ test1=$(printf "one\ttwo\three\tfour\tfive")
$ read _ two _ <<< "${test1}"
$ echo "${two}"




Try using cut

without option -d


echo "$test1" | cut -f2


Below is an Expert Advisor from the cut

reference page:

-d, --delimiter=DELIM
    use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter 




I am running this:


echo $test1 | cut -d \; -f2


and get:



and your example:

test1="one  two three   four    five"

echo $test1 | cut -d \t -f2


and get:



Hope it helps.

This \ t is a problem I think.



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