Data bound object in Kendo MVVM UI

I may be misunderstanding the Kendo MVVM implementation concept, but ... I have a simple Kendo UI Mobile interface view

, data bound for a view model:

var myViewModel = kendo.observable({
    myEntity: null,

    onViewShow: function (e) {
        var bindingEntity = myStaticDataSource[0];
        myViewModel.set("myEntity", bindingEntity);



is a static array of "entities" as simple JavaScript objects with fields such as name

or description


The view and its input fields are bound to the view model:

<div data-role="view" data-layout="default" data-model="myViewModel" data-bind="events: { show: onViewShow }">
        <ul data-role="listview" data-style="inset">
                    <input type="text" data-bind="value:" />


When a user changes an input field, the corresponding field (for example name

) is updated in the data-bound data view model object myEntity

. But: I would expect the object to myStaticDataSource

be updated as well, since I am not cloning objects. But this is not the case! Its value remains at its original value. Why is this? Am I missing something about Kendo MVVM handling?


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1 answer

This is a side effect of Kendo Observable objects and arrays. When you assign a property to a method ObservableObject

using a method .set()

, it wants that assigned item to be observed as well. Your elements in myStaticDataSource

are probably plain JS objects, not Kendo Observables, so Kendo wraps the object in a new one ObservableObject

for you. This means that the objects are no longer the same.

It might make sense:

var items = [{name: "item one"}];
var vm = kendo.observable({item: undefined});
vm.set("item", items[0]);
vm.item === items[0]; // returns FALSE
items[0] instanceof // returns FALSE
vm.item instanceof // returns TRUE

var items = kendo.observable([{name: "item one"}]);
var vm = kendo.observable({item: undefined});
vm.set("item", items[0]);
vm.item === items[0]; // returns TRUE
items[0] instanceof // returns TRUE
vm.item instanceof // returns TRUE


To "commit" to this is to do any of the following:

Make a myStaticDataSource

kendo DataSource

that will do all the items you put in it ObservableObject


var myStaticDataSource = new{
    data: [
        {name: "Bob"}


Make a myStaticDataSource

kendo ObservableArray

that will make all the items you put in itObservableObject

var myStaticDataSource = kendo.observable([
    {name: "Bob"}


Make each element in array myStaticDataSource


var myStaticDataSource = [
    kendo.observable({name: "Bob"})




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