What is the timezone (zone, timestamp) of Postgresql?

I am trying to add a timezone for today and it gives a strange result. Here is my request

SELECT  timezone('GMT+5:30','2014-03-15'::date);


And the final value

"2014-03-14 13:00:00" (timestamp without timezone)


Can anyone explain why it returns "2014-03-14 13:00:00" for "2014-03-15"

And my time zone Asia/Calcutta(GMT+5:30)


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1 answer

As you know, PostgreSQL allows function overloading.
To test all possible functions with a name timezone

, run this query:

SELECT proname,pg_get_function_result(oid),pg_get_function_arguments(oid)
  FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc
 WHERE proname ~ '^timezone$';


As you can see, none of them take a type date

as an argument. This is true, as time zones are meaningless without a time component.
So your input is converted to timestamp with time zone

(based on the datatype you mentioned), which 2014-03-15 00:00:00+XX

where XX

depends on your location.

And if you are much ahead of it GMT

, it will trigger a time stamp to get you back the time stamp in the desired zone.

What is reported for this request:

SELECT current_timestamp, setting
  FROM pg_settings
 WHERE name = 'TimeZone';



Yes, this is difficult stuff. I highly recommend reading this answer a couple of times.

Please do the following:

SET TimeZone TO 'Asia/Calcutta'; -- you don't have to do this
       row_number() OVER () rn
  FROM (VALUES (now()),
/* 2 */ ('2014-03-15'::date),
/* 3 */ ('2014-03-15'::date::timestamptz),
/* 4 */ ('2014-03-15'::date::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'),
/* 5 */ ('2014-03-15'::date::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'),
/* 6 */ ('2014-03-15'::timestamp),
/* 7 */ (timezone('GMT+5:30','2014-03-15')),
/* 8 */ (timezone('GMT+5:30','2014-03-15'::date)),
/* 9 */ (timezone('GMT+5:30','2014-03-15'::timestamp)),
/*10 */ (timezone('GMT+5:30','2014-03-15'::timestamp)  AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'),
/*11 */ (timezone('GMT+5:30','2014-03-15'::timestamptz)),
/*12 */ (timezone('GMT+5:30','2014-03-15'::timestamptz)  AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) t(ts);


and check the output.

Your case matches the line #4

here. You have it 2014-03-14 18:30:00

here, but since you are in a timezone +05:30

and the function needs to return timestamp without time zone

, you get 2014-03-14 13:00:00

the result.

Please find more bot these types in the manual and also check the constructionAT TIME ZONE




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