Populating JavaView TableView with DataFX

I am trying to populate a TableView with data from a csv file with datafx extension.

Unfortunately the tableview is empty and I cannot find any examples anywhere, which indicates my error.

    DataSourceReader dsr1 = new FileSource("Example3.csv");

    CSVDataSource ds1 = new CSVDataSource(dsr1);
    TableView table1 = new TableView();

    System.out.println("#ds1 " + ds1.getData().size());  //returns zero


The code does not throw an exception, which makes it even more cryptic.


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1 answer

although the question is to populate the TableView with the DataFX extension, here is a solution without DataFX:

  • Create a class that represents your tableView's list item, for example:

    public class YourItem { 
     private String itemID;
     private String itemTitle;
     public String getItemID() {
          return itemID;
     public void setitemID(String itemID) {
          this.itemID = itemID;
     //getter and setter for the other vars, I am lazy. }

  • Parse the csv file and return List<YourItem>

    there are several tutorials and examples for this, you can find it here: http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-read-and-parse-csv-file-in-java/ The important thing is that you create List

    objects YourItem

    where each line is an objectYourItem

  • Convert List<YourItem>


ObservableList<YourItem> obsList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(yourList);

  1. finally set the items to the TableView: I won't mention that you need to create columns for the TableView

    TableView<YourItem> test = new TableView<YourItem>(); test.setItems(obsList);



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