Designing deep directives in Angular

I know the isolated area and read some resources about Angular. Now I am facing a problem: suppose I have very deep directives:

A wraps B wraps C wraps D wraps E
X wraps Y wraps D wraps E


A, B, C, D, E, X, Y are directives. D and E need some information about what is being transmitted to their highlighted areas, I call this information info: '='

. It info

belongs to A or X. So if I need to use info

in D and E, I have to pass it along the paths: A -> B -> C -> D -> E

or X -> Y -> D -> E

. This means that B, C, or Y must create their own isolated areas to store the value info

. Too deep! If in the future I add some directives in the middle of the paths, I have to do the same as above. I don't think this is a good design.

Any body can give me some suggestions on how to solve this design problem in Angular?


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2 answers

OK. You could:

1 - Store information inside the service and just enter it where you need it.

2 - Allow directives to communicate with each other through the controller. So, for example, if you want the E directive to receive the A information form directive, A must have a controller and some sort of getter method, the E directive will require that controller and use the get method inside the link function. Easier to visualize with code.

.directive('aDir', function () {
  return {
     restrict: 'E',
     transclude: true,
     template: '<p>aDir: {{info}}<span ng-transclude></span></p>',
     scope: {
       info: '='
     controller: function ($scope) {
        this.getInfo = function () {
           return $;
     link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {


.directive('eDir', function () {
  return {
     restrict: 'E',
     template: '<p>eDir: {{info}}</p>',
     require: '^aDir',
     scope: { },
     link: function (scope, elm, attrs, aDirController) {
          scope.$watch(function () {
            return aDirController.getInfo();
          }, function (newVal, oldVal) {
     = newVal;


Here is JSBin .

You have more information about the require attribute here.



How to use the service to store data. Services are singleton objects in Angular. Therefore, if you set a value in one place, it will be visible in another.

So put the service in A, set the value there. Inject the service in D as well (or where needed) and read the value there.

You will probably have to set the clock to react to the change in the place (s) you read it.



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