Will using two AZs in ec2 introduce network liabilities?
I am currently using one availability zone in my ec2 run configuration. It's important that I don't get network partitions in my application, as rabbitmq doesn't handle network partitions well when clustering and HA is used (which is what I use).
I am very vague about the concept of network partitions. Will it be safe to use two AZs?
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Different Amazon EC2 Availability Zones are in different locations. Although the connections between the available zones are pretty good, it is still a WAN connection.
From RabbitMQ docs
RabbitMQ clusters don't tolerate network partitions well. If you are thinking of clustering across the WAN, then don't. You must use a federation or a shovel instead
(emphasis mine)
In short, interrupting the connection for 1 minute will create a network partition. While this would be unusual in EC2, it can happen on occasion.
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