SQL CASE Unexpected Results

I am using SQL 2008 and am trying to run a query where I am checking values ​​in multiple columns and concatenating the results into a new column. From my research, it looks like I need to use CONCAT to do this, but I can't figure out where to place this in my request. Also, the first problem I run into is that my query seems to return inaccurate results for everything.

I have a table "Shifts" that contains the EmplID along with different columns for each day of the week (bit type) and time. For example:

ShiftsID    EmplID  M   Tu  W   Th  F   Sa  Su  StartTime   EndTime
2001        1001    0   0   0   0   0   0   1   8:30:00     15:00:00
2002        1001    1   1   1   1   1   0   0   7:00:00     15:00:00


My Personnel table looks something like this:

LegalName   EmployeeID
Doe, John   1001


My request looks like this

SELECT Shifts.ShiftsID,
                 WHEN Shifts.M = '1' THEN 'M'
                 WHEN Shifts.Tu = '1'THEN 'Tu'
                 WHEN Shifts.W = '1' THEN 'W'
                 WHEN Shifts.Th = '1' THEN 'Th'
                 WHEN Shifts.F = '1' THEN 'F'
                 WHEN Shifts.Sa = '1' THEN 'Sa'
                 WHEN Shifts.Su = '1' THEN 'Su'
                 ELSE NULL
               END AS WorkingDays
        FROM   Shifts
        WHERE  EmplID = '1001') X,
       INNER JOIN Shifts
               ON Personnel.EmployeeID = Shifts.EmplID
WHERE  ( Personnel.EmployeeID = '1001' )
       AND ( X.WorkingDays != '' ) 


The results of this query:

ShiftsID    WorkingDays EmployeeID  LegalName   StartTime   EndTime
2001        Su          1001        Doe, John   8:30:00     15:00:00
2002        Su          1001        Doe, John   7:00:00     15:00:00
2001        M           1001        Doe, John   8:30:00     15:00:00
2002        M           1001        Doe, John   7:00:00     15:00:00


What I really need to show is something like this:

ShiftsID    WorkingDays EmployeeID  LegalName   StartTime   EndTime
2001        Su          1001        Doe, John   8:30:00     15:00:00
2002        MTuWThF     1001        Doe, John   7:00:00     15:00:00


So what am I doing wrong with my current query that is giving me unexpected results? And where do I put CONCAT to get valid working concatenations as needed? Or is there an option other than CONCAT that I should use?


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2 answers

I think this should work SQL Fiddle

FROM   (SELECT Shifts.ShiftsID,
               ISNULL((SELECT 'M' WHERE Shifts.M = '1'), '')
               + ISNULL((SELECT 'Tu' WHERE Shifts.Tu = '1'), '')
               + ISNULL((SELECT 'W' WHERE Shifts.W = '1'), '')
               + ISNULL((SELECT 'Th' WHERE Shifts.Th = '1'), '')
               + ISNULL((SELECT 'F' WHERE Shifts.F = '1'), '')
               + ISNULL((SELECT 'Sa' WHERE Shifts.Sa = '1'), '')
               + ISNULL((SELECT 'Su' WHERE Shifts.Su = '1'), '') AS WorkingDays,
        FROM   Shifts
               INNER JOIN Personnel
                       ON Personnel.EmployeeID = Shifts.EmplID
        WHERE  Personnel.EmployeeID = '1001') T
WHERE  WorkingDays <> '' 


This should connect the days. Use ISNULL ((SELECT ...), '') even though SQL Server 2008 does not support IIF statement.



It seems pretty straightforward - unless I miss something. I used an expression CASE

to create a sequence of days for an employee to work.

This query appears to be producing the desired results.


    -- string representing all working days.
    ,CASE WHEN Shifts.M = '1' THEN 'M' ELSE '' END +
        CASE WHEN Shifts.Tu = '1' THEN 'Tu' ELSE '' END +
        CASE WHEN Shifts.W = '1' THEN 'W' ELSE '' END +
        CASE WHEN Shifts.Th = '1' THEN 'Th' ELSE '' END +
        CASE WHEN Shifts.F = '1' THEN 'F' ELSE '' END +
        CASE WHEN Shifts.Sa = '1' THEN 'Sa' ELSE '' END +
        CASE WHEN Shifts.Su = '1' THEN 'Su' ELSE '' END AS [WorkingDays]

    #Shifts AS Shifts
    --  INNER JOIN Personnel ON Personnel.EmployeeID=Shifts.EmplID
WHERE EmplID = '1001'
    -- only show shifts that contain one or more day?
    AND (
        Shifts.M='1' OR
        Shifts.Tu='1' OR 
        Shifts.W='1' OR 
        Shifts.Th='1' OR 
        Shifts.F='1' OR 
        Shifts.Sa='1' OR 




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