AngularJS Bootstrap Popover with closed activation button

Hi I have successfully created a popover using bootstrap and angularjs. But at the same time I see an issue where when I click the close button the popover comes close (Hide), but next time to start it again you need to double click the link or icon.

Sample PopOver Image -

 <a href="#" custom-popover popover-title="Hello">Please click Me !!! </a>


       var templateData = "<a> {{tooltiplabel}} </a><button>x</button>";

   return {
       restrict: 'A',     
       transclude: true,                     
       template: "<span ng-transclude></span>",
       link: function(scope,element,attribute,controller){

               var compliedData = $compile(templateData)(scope);

               // Tried with Remove 
               //var getTitle = "<span>"+attribute.popoverTitle+"</span><button id='btnClose' type='button' class='close' onclick='$(&quot;.popover&quot;).prev().removeAttr(&quot;aria-describedby&quot;); $(&quot;.popover&quot;).remove();'>&times;</button>";

               // Tried with hide
               var getTitle = "<span>"+attribute.popoverTitle+"</span><button id='btnClose' type='button' class='close' onclick='$(&quot;.popover&quot;).hide();'>&times;</button>";

               var proc = $compile(getTitle)(scope);

                    'placement': 'top',
                    'html': true,                       
                    'title': proc,                        
                    'content' :  compliedData



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1 answer

Cool after researching a lot came to stupid conclusions that actually work wonderfully adorable. Here is a solution for AngularJS + Bootstrap without using angular-ui.

 <a href="#" custom-popover popover-title="Hello">Please click Me !!! </a>


       var popoverBodyData = "<a> {{tooltiplabel}} </a>";
       var popoverTitleData = "<span>Description</span> <button type='button' class='close'>&times;</button>";

   return {
       restrict: 'A',     
       //transclude: true,
       //template: "Description <button id='btnClose' type='button' class='close' onclick='$(&quot;.popover&quot;).hide();'>&times;</button>",          
       //template: "<span ng-transclude></span>",
       link: function(scope,element,attribute,controller){

               scope.tooltiplabel = "Hello Everybody this is PopOver Demo !!!";

               var compliedData = $compile(popoverBodyData)(scope);
               var compliedTitle = $compile(popoverTitleData)(scope);

               //var getTitle = "<span>"+attribute.popoverTitle+"</span><button id='btnClose' type='button' class='close' onclick='$(&quot;.popover&quot;).prev().removeAttr(&quot;aria-describedby&quot;);$(&quot;.popover&quot;).remove();'>&times;</button>";
               var getTitle = "<span>"+attribute.popoverTitle+"</span><button type='button' class='close'>&times;</button>";

               var proc = $compile(getTitle)(scope);

                    'placement': 'bottom',
                    'html': true,                                               
                    'title': proc,                        
                    'content' :  compliedData

           return $(element).bind('click',function(){

               var popoverDiv = $(element).next();  // popover div
               // getting closeBtn handle inside popover div
               var closeBtn = $($(popoverDiv).children()[1]).children()[1];



all i have to do is just return the click anchors in the link function.

I have added reusable popup / tooltip directive code on github with advanced feature -



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