Can't debug TypeScript files in VS2013 Update 3

I'm having trouble debugging TypeScript in VS2013 Update 3. Breakpoints for .ts files won't load. Associated .map files are created and included in the project. I've tried the Typescript 1.0 suggestion of not loading map files and even explicitly specifying the location of the .map files in the TypeScript config for the property project. None of this worked.

This doesn't seem like a browser issue, as none of the different browsers load breakpoints on load. This rules out this issue for GitHub too:

I have the most recent version of Web Essentials, so all components are up to date.

How do I get TypeScript debug to work in VS2013?

EDIT: To be clear, I want to debug via VSNET regardless of the browser. Meaning I would like to hit VSNET dots no matter what browser has ever launched the application (e.g. Chrome, FF, IE, etc.).


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2 answers

Okay, the problem is pretty obvious, but I suppose it is easily overlooked. You cannot debug minifiles. The scripts I tried to debug were set to be merged and minified in class BundleConfig.cs

. I could leave the package assignments in the class, but just set it up so that the debug

files are not bundled and minified:

#if (!DEBUG)
    BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;


Another option, but one that you need to remember in order to switch, is to disable minification together:

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;


It really should have been step 1 when I was setting up the application, but I forgot and didn't think to retrain. Now that I got around it, debugging works fine.



Whereas you want to debug it in VS2013 and not in the browser (which is what I prefer to do, namely chrome), you need to use Internet Explorer.

You will do the following

a) Go to IE Internet Options and UNCHECK: these two options

enter image description here

b) In the top menu of VS2013, set Internet Explorer as the default browser for Debug to work:

enter image description here

enter image description here

c) Place a breakpoint on the constructor of your Typescript file:

enter image description here

d) Run the web application

enter image description here

e) What is it - your breakpoint is inside VS2013!

enter image description here

If you have any problems, let me know, but that should be enough.





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