Native docker on Windows

I recently read a few news articles that say Microsoft is working with Docker to get docker running on Windows Server.

I want to ask if this would allow Windows applications to run inside docker containers, or is it just a way to run an already available docker image library (which runs a specific subset of a linux derivative in them) to run on Windows without using a virtual machine?


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3 answers

This is about running Windows containers on Windows hosts.

Linux containers should still run on Linux (or in a Linux VM on a Windows host, but you can already do that today with boot2docker).

Here is a source from Microsoft . Pay attention to the diagram.



Windows Server has one feature called Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) or Subsystems for UNIX Applications (SUA). It's like an extension to the Windows kernel, but minimal.

I believe it is possible if Microsoft changes this "kernel extension" to be compatible with Linux with most retentate kernels, to make one "think" that can run some custom Linux applications.





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