Azure Notification Hub Registrations fail with some tag formats
I am using Xamarin on iOS versus Azure Notification Hub. Things worked fine for a while. But I recently added a new TAG to the tag collection with which I register my devices.
Here is the shortened code that WORK:
NSSet tags = new NSSet("");
if (tags != null) {
Hub.RegisterNativeAsync(deviceToken, tags,(errorCallback) => {
if (errorCallback != null) {
new UIAlertView("RegisterNativeAsync error", "Unable to register for Push notifications", null, "OK", null).Show();
However, if I replace the first line with this content, RegisterNativeAsync FAILS:
NSSet tags = new NSSet("Email-no email provided for some user");
I get this answer:
URLRequest failed for {URL: } with status: bad request
Are there rules for formatting tags? I have dozens of other tags with a lot of content types and have never encountered this problem before.
In the documentation:
The tag can be any string, up to 120 characters long, containing alphanumeric and the following non-alphanumeric characters: '_,' @, '#,'., ':,' -.
So, in your case, the spacebar is breaking things.