Dictionary update sequence element # 0 has a length of 15; 2 required

I am upgrading python / django app from 1.6.5 to 1.7. I am having a problem resolving the following error: the dictionary update sequence item # 0 has a length of 15; 2 required

Here is the trace output:

Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Django Version: 1.7
Python Version: 2.7.5
Installed Applications:
Installed Middleware:

File "/Users/CLDSupportSystems/mandala-system/mandala_env_django_1.7/lib/python2.7/sit-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py" in get_response
111.                     response = wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/Users/CLDSupportSystems/mandala-system/mandala_env_django_1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/decorators.py" in _wrapped_view
  22.                 return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/CLDSupportSystems/mandala-system/mandala_env_django_1.7/mandala/mandala/views.py" in dashboard
  117.         return render_to_response('dashboard/dashboard.html', variables,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
File "/Users/CLDSupportSystems/mandala-system/mandala_env_django_1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/shortcuts.py" in render_to_response
  23.     return HttpResponse(loader.render_to_string(*args, **kwargs), **httpresponse_kwargs)
File "/Users/CLDSupportSystems/mandala-system/mandala_env_django_1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/loader.py" in render_to_string
  177.     with context_instance.push(dictionary):
File "/Users/CLDSupportSystems/mandala-system/mandala_env_django_1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/context.py" in push
  54.         return ContextDict(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/CLDSupportSystems/mandala-system/mandala_env_django_1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/template/context.py" in __init__
  19.         super(ContextDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Exception Type: ValueError at /dashboard/
Exception Value: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 15; 2 is required


The error is thrown on the following line:

return render_to_response('dashboard/dashboard.html', variables,context_instance=RequestContext(request))


Here is the definition of the variables:

variables = RequestContext(request, {
    'fresh_locations': fresh_data_locations,
    'webalert_locations': webalert_locations,
    'locations_reporting': reporting_locations,
    'locations_not_reporting': locations_not_reporting,
    'inalarm_count': inalarm_count,
    'inalarm_stores': inalarm_stores_qs,
    'workspace_count': workspace_count,
    'user_profile': user_profile,


Can anyone point me in the right direction?


source to share

2 answers

The second argument render_to_response()

must be a dictionary. Instead, you transmit RequestContext()


Delete the object RequestContext()

and make variables

just the dictionary:

variables = {
    'fresh_locations': fresh_data_locations,
    'webalert_locations': webalert_locations,
    'locations_reporting': reporting_locations,
    'locations_not_reporting': locations_not_reporting,
    'inalarm_count': inalarm_count,
    'inalarm_stores': inalarm_stores_qs,
    'workspace_count': workspace_count,
    'user_profile': user_profile,




This is because the render_to_response () as well as render () shortcuts will automatically apply the RequestContext to the context variables (dir variables). This is a typo for sure, but why did it work before asking?

This would have worked prior to 1.6, but the implementation of RequestContext in django.template.context changed in 1.7. It has been broken down to be more object oriented and optimized to make it more efficient. The story is here, I think it was


This is a commit, in particular of the optimized RequestContext:


Here's how to make the mistake again:

>>> from django.template import RequestContext
>>> from django.test.client import RequestFactory
>>> request_factory = RequestFactory()
>>> request = request_factory.get('www.google.com')
>>> fresh_data_locations, webalert_locations, reporting_locations, locations_not_reporting, inalarm_count, inalarm_stores_qs, workspace_count, user_profile = '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
>>> variables = RequestContext(request, {
...     'fresh_locations': fresh_data_locations,
...     'webalert_locations': webalert_locations,
...     'locations_reporting': reporting_locations,
...     'locations_not_reporting': locations_not_reporting,
...     'inalarm_count': inalarm_count,
...     'inalarm_stores': inalarm_stores_qs,
...     'workspace_count': workspace_count,
...     'user_profile': user_profile,
... })
>>> variables
[{'False': False, 'None': None, 'True': True}, {'workspace_count': '', 'locations_not_reporting': '', 'fresh_locations': '', 'inalarm_stores': '', 'locations_reporting': '', 'webalert_locations': '', 'user_profile': '', 'inalarm_count': ''}, {u'csrf_token': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x10439fcd0>, u'sql_queries': [], 'perms': <django.contrib.auth.context_processors.PermWrapper object at 0x10439fe50>, 'messages': [], u'request': <WSGIRequest
GET:<QueryDict: {}>,
POST:<QueryDict: {}>,
 u'PATH_INFO': u'www.google.com',
 u'REMOTE_ADDR': '',
 u'SCRIPT_NAME': u'',
 u'SERVER_NAME': 'testserver',
 u'SERVER_PORT': '80',
 u'wsgi.errors': <_io.BytesIO object at 0x1042fce30>,
 u'wsgi.input': <django.test.client.FakePayload object at 0x104391550>,
 u'wsgi.multiprocess': True,
 u'wsgi.multithread': False,
 u'wsgi.run_once': False,
 u'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
 u'wsgi.version': (1, 0)}>, 'api_header': {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'YmFrZXItYXBpOlVuaW9uMTIz'}, u'STATIC_URL': '/static/', u'LANGUAGES': (('en', 'English'),), 'api_address': '', 'user': <django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object at 0x10439fe10>, u'LANGUAGE_CODE': u'en-us', u'debug': True, 'DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEVELS': {'DEBUG': 10, 'INFO': 20, 'WARNING': 30, 'SUCCESS': 25, 'ERROR': 40}, u'LANGUAGE_BIDI': False, u'MEDIA_URL': '/media/'}]
>>> type(variables)
<class 'django.template.context.RequestContext'>
>>> dict(variables)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 15; 2 is required


So django 1.6's dir () function returns without error, but with execution of 1.7 it fails. Only one of those things that you worked with can say almost coincidence up to 1.7.

When using classes based on django.views.generic, many of these things are simply done for you. If you look at the TemplateView, you can see that it inherits the render_to_response method from TemplateResponseMixin, which uses TemplateResponse, which does all of this. Also check out ContextMixin which has get_context_data method. The cleanest way, in my opinion, is to pass context data to the template. More on generic views / classes here .



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