Multiple websites hosted in one Google Apps account

Just to get it right.

I would like to get a Google Apps account where I can develop many websites and host them on one account. (I don't mean google sites)

Is this possible or should I register a new Google Apps account for each website?


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1 answer

As per the comments above:

  • Each Google account can create up to 25 free GAE apps or unlimited paid or premieres.
  • Each application can have multiple verified domains, which can serve multiple websites with different content.

It looks like you need to handle multiple websites in one application. Once all domains have been verified, there are at least two ways to do this:

1. You can create a new module for each website. It will be a little better organized. Each website will be in its own folder and run in its own instance. There will be one dispatch.yaml

that redirects requests depending on which realm they came to: ie:

- url: "*"
module: website1

- url: "*"
module: website2


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Note that it dispatch.yaml

can only have 10 routing rules. In addition, free apps can have up to 5 modules, while paid apps can have up to 20 modules. So if you plan on hosting more than 5 (modules of restrictions) websites per free app, or 10 websites (route restrictions), this may not work for you, so see option # 2, which is potentially unlimited, although it does require more handmade and websites will work in the same copies.

2.You can just use route route handlers to find out which domain the request came to, and depending on what the manual decision is making and give it a specific website handler, that is, in Python / webapp2, it will look like this way:

import webapp2
from webapp2_extras import routes

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([

    routes.DomainRoute('', [
        webapp2.Route('/', handler=Example1SiteHomepageHandler, name='example1-home'),

    routes.DomainRoute('', [
        webapp2.Route('/', handler=Example2SiteHomepageHandler, name='example2-home'),



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