I cannot autocomplete my Go code even after installing vim-gocode

My setup

I have already installed gocode using the command go get github.com/nsf/gocode


I am using Pathogen to manage my Vim plugins. I installed vim-gocode with git clone git@github.com:Blackrush/vim-gocode.git


What do I see

The command :Fmt

works fine, but I can't autocomplete my golang code. It reports an error like in this image:

E117: Unknown function: go # complete # Complete

Can anyone help me?


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1 answer

Please make sure YCM or neocomplete is installed. To get all the functions, you will need additional binaries. Following vim-go instructions will show you how to install them.

All required binaries must be installed (e.g. gocode, godef, goimports, etc.). You can easily install them with the GoInstallBinaries command enabled by running the command in your vim.



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