Accounting for parent state parameters from child state in stateChangeStart

Is there any way to get parameters from parent state.

My states look like this.

        .state('home', {
            url: '/home/:param1',
            template: '<div>home<ui-view /></div>',
            data: {
            parentdata: 'parentdata'
        .state('home.child', {
            url: '/child/:param2',
            template: '<div>index</div>',
            data: {
            childdata: 'childdata'


I want to access the data value of the parent state from the child state.

 $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {    
     var tosateParam =;     
     //If this is the child state, how can I access the parent state param     
      //may be like this



If my current state name "ABC.childstate"

is how can I access the parameters from the state ABC



source to share

2 answers

If we need to access the parent data {}

, we need ... profit from UI-Router

. Cm:

What do child states inherit from parent states?

small cite:

DO child states inherit the following from parent states:

  • Resolved dependencies through permission
  • Custom properties data {}

Nothing else is inherited (no controllers, templates, urls, etc.).

With this clear doc message, we can have states like this (see a working example here ):

    .state('home', {
        url: '/home/:param1',
        data: { parentdata: 'parentdata', },
    .state('home.child', {
        url: '/child/:param2',
        data: {  childdata: 'childdata', },


And links like this:

<a href="#/home/justAParent">
<a href="#/home/first1/child/second1">
<a href="#/home/first2/child/second2">


As the documentation reports the result (on state change like this)

   function(event, toState  , toParams, fromState, fromParams) 



// href #/home/justAParent will show
Object {parentdata: "parentdata"}
// both #/home/first1/child/second1
//  and #/home/first2/child/second2 will show
Object {parentdata: "parentdata", childdata: "childdata"}


Check here



There is a working plunker . Let these states

    .state('home', {
        url: '/home/:param1',
        template: '<div>home<ui-view /></div>',
    .state('home.child', {
        url: '/child/:param2',
        template: '<div>index</div>',


And these links:

<a href="#/home/first1/child/second1">
<a href="#/home/first2/child/second2">


Then this:

   function(event, toState  , toParams
                   , fromState, fromParams) 


Give us this:

Object {param1: "first1", param2: "second1"}
Object {param1: "first2", param2: "second2"}


Check it here . Maybe this can also help a little Angular ui-router - how to access the parameters in the nested named view passed from the parent template?



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