Ng-blur in Karma in Firefox

In Karma.js unit test for Angular.js directive, I ran into strange incompatibility in behavior between Chrome and Firefox.

The directive has a template and this template contains a form with some inputs. I want to unit test whether some scope method is called after the first input loses focus.

So, I have this test:

describe('Firefox weirdness.', function() {
  var $scope, compiled;
  var template = '<dir></dir>';

  beforeEach(function() {

    inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
      $scope = $rootScope.$new();
      compiled = $compile(template)($scope);

  it('Shows weirdness.', function() {
    var i1 = compiled.find('input[name="i1"]'),
        i2 = compiled.find('input[name="i2"]'),
        executed = false;

    // This method is never called on Firefox.
    // On Chrome it works flawlessly.
    $scope.doStuff = function() {
      executed = true;

    // Focus first input, then second.
    // It doesn't help if I delay them via setTimeouts,
    // or by digesting the scope.

    // This line fails.


And the directive looks like this (it's jade):

  input(name="i1", ng-blur="doStuff()")


So far my JS code is:

describe('Firefox weirdness.', function() {
var app = angular.module('App', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
   $scope.doStuff = function() {
     console.log('Stuff done!');

app.directive('dir', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: 'dir.html'


What's wrong? The test will pass on Chrome, but on Firefox - it fails. I tried to use some timeouts, etc. to rule out some sync issues, but that would still fail. Can someone please explain why and a hint on how to fix this?

I am using Angular.js 1.2, Mocha + Chai and karma-ng-jade2js-preprocessor to host templates as a separate Angular module (for testing to avoid Angular trying to load them asynchronously).

I've provided a small example in this repo: . You can try it out by cloning, installing npm dependencies and running ./karma start karma.conf

. As a result, you will see the Chrome test passing and Firefox crashing.


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1 answer

You can actually fire the blur event



Maybe firing focus event on another input doesn't trigger blur event of previously focused input in Firefox

If you forget about Angular this will also fail in Firefox

it('Shows weirdness.', function () {
    var i1 = compiled.find('input[name="i1"]'),
        i2 = compiled.find('input[name="i2"]'),
        executed = false;

    angular.element(i1).bind('blur', function () {
        executed = true;




whereas this is not

it('Shows weirdness.', function () {
        var i1 = compiled.find('input[name="i1"]'),
        i2 = compiled.find('input[name="i2"]'),
        executed = false;

    angular.element(i1).bind('blur', function () {
        executed = true;






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