Using CardView 5.0 for Android in Eclipse
Are the hacks previously posted previously necessary to use the CardView and RecyclerView libraries in Eclipse even with the 5.0 SDK?
(Actually, this function no longer works because m2repository no longer exists)
What's the easiest way to use these libraries in Eclipse?
In Eclipse:
"File-> Import-> Existing Projects to Workspace" only lists
v7-appcompat, v7-gridlayout, v7-mediarouter, v7-palette
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Are the hacks previously posted previously necessary to use the CardView and RecyclerView libraries in Eclipse even with the 5.0 SDK?
Not. You will find the library recyclerview
and cardview
Android projects in a directory extras/android/support/v7/
in your Android SDK installation, assuming you are the last one in the SDK manager. They must be imported into Eclipse and then you will reference them from your application just like any other Android library project.
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- Select the latest Android SDK Tools, Platform-tools and Embedded Tool.
- Select the latest Android support and Android Repository support.
After updating Android support repository from SDK, Manager goes to .. \ SDK \ Extras \ Android \ m2repository \ com \ Android \ support \ recyclerview-v7 \ 21.0.0-rc1
Unzip recyclerview-v7-21.0.0-rc1.aar
- After unpacking recyclerview-v7-21.0.0-rc1.aar you will get class.jar
- rename classes.jar to recyclerView.jar for function reference and add to your android app in / lib folder
A similar way even for cardView.
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You may be using an older version of eclipse. I got the same problem and did it. Here are some tips. Hope this helps you.
1. Open Android SDK Manager. 2. Please update Android SDK Tools first. 3. Update the Android SDK platform tools. 4. Finally, update the Android support library.
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