Center tabs in a tabpane using CSS

I'm trying to center tabs in JavaFX TabPane

, but can't seem to achieve the desired result.

Using the CSS link, I can target different parts of the control's substructure TabPane

, but no matter what I try, I cannot center the tabs horizontally within the header.

The CSS I have so far is below:

.tab-pane > .tab-header-area > .headers-region {
    -fx-border-color: red;
    -fx-border-width: 3;

    -fx-alignment: CENTER;

.tab-pane > .tab-header-area > .tab-header-background {
    -fx-border-color: blue;
    -fx-border-width: 3;


Which gives the following output:

enter image description here

As you can see, the colored borders indicate that I am selecting the substructure correctly TabPane

, but the property -fx-alignment

seems to have no effect.

Is it possible to center tabs horizontally within the header using CSS, and if so, which property do I need to set and which part of the substructure do I need for targeting?


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1 answer

Well, this is not a neat solution, but rather a workaround. Since the tabpane substructure is made up of stacked glasses, these stacked stacks are centered by default. But the tabs are not centered, which implies a custom shim is created in the skin code. The correct solution can be found after reading the skin sping code.

Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {

    public void run() {
        final StackPane region = (StackPane) tabPane.lookup(".headers-region");
        final StackPane regionTop = (StackPane) tabPane.lookup(".tab-pane:top *.tab-header-area");
        regionTop.widthProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {

            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> arg0, Number arg1, Number arg2) {
                Insets in = regionTop.getPadding();
                regionTop.setPadding(new Insets(
                        arg2.doubleValue() / 2 - region.getWidth() / 2));
        // force re-layout so the tabs aligned to center at initial state
        stage.setWidth(stage.getWidth() + 1);




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