Python: minimum mean distance

I have a set of Users Latitude and Longitude and a set of latitude latitudes at an office location.

I need to find an office location that has a minimum average distance to all users.

What is the efficient way to do this in python? I have 3k users and 40k office spaces ...

For example:

Input: User 1 (x1, y1)
User 2 (x2, y2)
Office 1 (x3, y3)
Office 2 (x4, y4)

Then I need to figure out the location of the office that has a minimum distance from all users.

Office 1 is 200 m from user 1 and 400 m from user 2. Average distance from all users = 300 m

Office 2 is 100 m from user 1 and 200 m from user 2. Average distance from all users = 150 m

Office 2 is the place of choice.


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2 answers

Here's an example using geodjango parts of django. You can do the same using shapely with pyproj . (This can be a little painful to set up, but once you have all the settings, it is pretty trivial to work.)

from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, MultiPoint

WGS84_SRID = 4326
office1 = Point(x1, y1, srid=WGS84_SRID )
office2 = Point(x2, y1, srid=WGS84_SRID )

# load user locations
user_locations = []
with open("user_locations.csv", "r") as in_f:
    # assuming wgs84 decimal degrees 
    # one location per line in format, 'lon, lat'
    for line in in_f:
        x, y = [float(i.strip()) for i in line.split(",")]
        user_locations.append(Point(x, y, srid=WGS84_SRID ))

# get points in a meters projection
office1_meters = office1.transform(GOOGLE_MAPS_SRID, clone=True)
office2_meters = office2.transform(GOOGLE_MAPS_SRID, clone=True)
user_locations_meters = [user_loc.transform(GOOGLE_MAPS_SRID, clone=True) for user_loc in user_locations]

# centroid method
mp = MultiPoint(user_locations, srid=4326)
centroid_distance_from_office1 = mp.centroid.distance(office1_meters)
centroid_distance_from_office2 = mp.centroid.distance(office1_meters)

print "Centroid Location: {}".format(mp.centroid.ewkt)
print("centroid_distance_from_office1: {}m".format(centroid_distance_from_office1)
print("centroid_distance_from_office2: {}m".format(centroid_distance_from_office2)

# average distance method
total_user_locations = float(len(user_locations))
office1_user_avg_distance = sum( user_loc.distance(office1_meters) for user_loc in user_locations_meters)/total_user_locations 
office2_user_avg_distance = sum( user_loc.distance(office2_meters) for user_loc in user_locations_meters)/total_user_locations 

print "avg user distance OFFICE-1: {}".format(office1_user_avg_distance)
print "avg user distance OFFICE-2: {}".format(office2_user_avg_distance)




Basically the code implementing the algorithm at and gives you a usage example based on a set of random points.

NB: this is for points in a plane, because I cannot work out how to sum two spherical coordinates ... so you need to direct the spherical coordinates with a planar projection in advance, but this point has already been touched on the previous answer.


from math import sqrt
from random import seed, uniform
from operator import add

class Point():
    """Very basic point class, supporting "+", scalar "/" and distances."""
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
    def __repr__(self):
        return "("+repr(self.x)+","+repr(self.y)+")"
    def __add__(self, P):
        return Point(self.x+P.x, self.y+P.y)
    def __div__(self, scalar):
        return Point(self.x/float(scalar), self.y/float(scalar))
    def delta(self, P):
        dx = self.x - P.x
        dy = self.y - P.y
        return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)

def iterate(GM,points):
    "Simple implementation of"
    # distances from the tentative GM
    distances = [ for p in points]
    normalized_positions = [p/d for p,d in zip(points,distances)]
    normalization_factor = sum(1.0/d for d in distances)
    new_median = reduce(add, normalized_positions)/normalization_factor
    return new_median

# The "clients"
nclients = 10
points = [Point(uniform(-3,3),uniform(-3,3)) for i in range(nclients)]

# Centroid of clients and total of distances
centroid = reduce(add,points)/nclients
print "Position of centroid:",centroid
print "Sum of distances from centroid:",
print reduce(add,[ for p in points])

print "Compute the Geometric Median using random starting points:"
nstart = 10
for P0 in [Point(uniform(-5,5),uniform(-5,5)) for i in range(nstart)]:
    p0 = P0
    for i in range(10):
        P0 = iterate(P0, points)
    print p0,"-->",P0

print "Sum of distances from last Geometric Median:",
print reduce(add,[ for p in points])



Position of centroid: (-0.4647467432024398,0.08675910209912471)
Sum of distances from centroid: 22.846445119

Compute the Geometric Median using random starting points:
(1.2632163919279735,4.633157837008632) --> (-0.8739691868669638,-0.019827884361901298)
(-2.8916600791314986,4.561006461166512) --> (-0.8929310891388812,-0.025857080003665663)
(0.5539966580106901,4.011520429873922) --> (-0.8764828849474395,-0.020607834485528134)
(3.1801819335743033,-3.395781900250662) --> (-0.8550062003820846,-0.014134334529992666)
(1.48542908120573,-3.7590671941155627) --> (-0.8687797019011291,-0.018241177226221747)
(-4.943549141082007,-1.044838193982506) --> (-0.9066276248482427,-0.030440865315529194)
(2.73500702168781,0.6615770729288597) --> (-0.8231318436739281,-0.005320464433689587)
(-3.073593440129266,3.411747144619733) --> (-0.8952513352350909,-0.026600471220747438)
(4.137768422492282,-2.6277493707729596) --> (-0.8471586848200597,-0.011875801531868494)
(-0.5180751681772549,1.377998063140823) --> (-0.8849056106235963,-0.02326386487180884)

Sum of distances from last Geometric Median: 22.7019120091


my own comment

In this case, the locations (centroid vs GM) are completely different, but the results are similar. I expect significant differences in both locations and average distances when you have some sort of clustering around a point (city) or some function is talking about a line (road) etc.

In the end, you can speed up the work with help numpy

, I avoided doing it numpy

due to limited time resources :)



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